Sustainable Procurement
Sustainable Procurement
Human rights, fair working conditions, environmental protection and the fight against corruption – these values are not only important within our Group. They also apply to our supply chain. At thyssenkrupp rothe erde, we are committed to the United Nations Global Compact. We have firmly integrated responsible action into our procurement processes and make our contract award decisions not only according to economic, technical and procedural criteria. Sustainability also plays an equally important role in the supplier management of thyssenkrupp rothe erde.
We expect our suppliers to share these principles. This is why we at thyssenkrupp have developed our own supplier code of conduct, which clearly formulates our expectations on suppliers. The Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Even before the introduction of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCA), we have started to systematically examine risks among suppliers and their sub-suppliers with regard to violations of human rights and environmental protection. To do this, we carry out a compre-hensive and systematic risk analysis, which allows us to identify potential risks among suppliers at an early stage and to take preventative measures in a timely manner to avert the risks. Our continuous supplier monitoring and intensive supplier audits ensure that we always keep an eye on the risks. If we receive information about potential violations, we respond immediately in accordance with established standards to investigate the situation, identify the root causes and initiate corrective measures to stop the violations and, if necessary, mitigate their impacts.
We at thyssenkrupp rothe erde are actively working with many measures to reduce the Carbon Footprint of our products. Beside our own production, also the purchased energy, the transports and the products from our suppliers contribute to this. Therefore, we also take our suppliers with us on the way to this important common goal.