Lead Buyer Management
For bundling and developing our core commodities we live a global Lead Buyer organization. For core commodities strong and experienced Lead Buyer teams are responsible for strategic and tactical sourcing.
Lead Buyers for a specific commodity are heading a team, formed by the main consuming companies of thyssenkrupp rothe erde. Working in this matrix follows clear rules and responsibilities.
Based on demand analysis and deep market research, the team creates a binding sourcing strategy, supplier portfolio and strategic measures for the commodity. The strategy also includes active supplier development and product innovation activities.
Strategic suppliers and potential strategic suppliers are carefully selected, audited and checked, before they are allowed to manufacture products or provide services for us. We do this along standardized processes, using our common Supplier Relationship Management system (Supplier Portal).
The Lead Buyer has the mandate to negotiate global, regional and local contracts or projects. She/he might delegate it also to a team member. After release the contracts are mandatory to be applied by all companies.
For all contracts harmonized templates has been prepared, that can be applied directly or adapted to the individual circumstances.
Twice a year we monitor the performance of our suppliers by executing a common Supplier Performance Rating. It helps our suppliers to maintain and expand their own competitiveness.